The Germanic People (part 4)

A question comes naturally: who led the early Germanic communities?Did they have a king or a ruler similar to the Roman model?Well, it seems that no central authority was present, at least at the time when Caesar writes: while in peace, a local figure would sometimes interfere with the disputes within the village - or …

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The Germanic People (part 3)

Based on the description provided by Julius Caesar, we know that the Germanic peoples were mostly pastoralists - relying on milk, cheese and meat -, and agriculture was developed only limited to grain, root crops and vegetables. From the Roman perspective, we also know that horses and cattle, in general, were of poorer quality compared …

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The Germanic People (part 2)

Tacitus also distinguished the individual tribes and their territories: the Chatti lived in modern Hesse, the Frisii inhabited the coastland between the Rhine and the Ems, while the mouth of the Weser was home of the Chauci and Cherusci (Arminius’ tribe). The Suebi occupied the territories of Thuringia, Saxony, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg, with Semnones and …

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